Open Up Museums!

Open Up Museums! Prospects and challenges of Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion

Day 1 – 26 May 2022
MuSe – Museo delle Scienze

Day 2 – 27 May 2022
Mart – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto

Programme available here

Organizers: reCreating Europe, DANCING, inDICEs, with the collaboration of museums MuSe and Mart

Venues: MuSe (Trento) and Mart (Rovereto)

Registration: Register here

New Perspectives on Copyright

LawTech Seminars “New Perspectives on Copyright

28 aprile 2022 Orario di inizio 14:00

Palazzo di Giurisprudenza – Via Rosmini 27, Trento, Aula 7

The Genius of Copyright

Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse (McGill University)

Fair Use and Fair Price

Gideon Parchomovsky (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Penn Law)

EU Copyright Exceptions and the Fair Balance Doctrine

Caterina Sganga (Scuola Sant’Anna di Pisa)

Academic Copyright. Open Access and the “Moral” Second Publication Right

Roberto Caso, Giulia Dore (Università di Trento)

Coordinamento scientifico: Prof. Roberto Caso e Dott.ssa Giulia Dore

ReCreating Europe:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870626.

Workshop (October 20-21): Supporting Open Culture through Open Data

reCreating Europe

Join our upcoming workshop on legal aspects related to digitisation for Galleries and Museums (GM) on October 20-21, hosted by Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum) in Turin, Italy.

Co-organisers: reCreating Europe, GLAM-E Lab, Egyptian Museum, Serpentine Legal Lab

Other contributors: Creative Commons + Creative Commons – Italian Chapter, Wikimedia Foundation + Wikimedia Italia, Europeana, Fondazione Torino Musei, inDICEs Project, ICOM Italia

Program available here.